About MicroMitzvah


The MicroMitzvah story

Azi was all about small, kind, respectful gestures. He was about doing the right thing for the right reasons. His favorite nicknames for his siblings were “micro” and “tiny” which was funny as he was our youngest child.  We just put these concepts together to form our push of “micro-mitzvah”. 

In loving memory of Azi Koltai zt”l


The movement

Rob and Sue, Azi’s parents, are gathering mitzvahs from people in various places.  We have spoken in Jerusalem, Los Angeles, Passaic and New York City and have scheduled more to come.  Hundreds of people have committed to small, meaningful changes and have shown staying power with them.  After a speech, individuals race up to tell us what they are doing RIGHT NOW.

Our Team

Sara Mintz

Sarah Mintz is an acclaimed television actress from Colombia; her career made her a household name in many countries, especially in the USA and Latin America.

Sarah converted to Judaism and recently moved to Eretz Yisrael, where she lives with her husband and two children.

Sarah has taken the position of Chairperson of the Azi Foundation. She hopes that She will influence Israeli Jews to take small steps towards meaningful growth, in the merit of Azi Kaltai of blessed memory.

Rob and Sue Koltai
Founders, Parents

Rob and Sue Koltai founded the Azi Foundation in the wake of the Meron 2021 tragedy. The organization set its mission to provide tools for children and young adults to develop positive character traits encompassing kindness, consideration, and happiness. Through seminars, lectures and activities across the globe, they hope to fill the toolbox of thousands to become productive and constructive members of society.

The MicroMitzvah project stands at the forefront of their efforts and has become the Foundation’s mission statement.


Change is gradual

Like water dripping on a rock, the change is not immediately visible, but it can be felt.  The work of making a small, meaningful change is a sense of accomplishment.  From this small change more and more changes can happen with the focus, drive and enjoyment of doing that first small act, day after day.

So how do I do it?

It's simple. Here are the 3 Steps to #MicroMitzvah:


Make it matter

  Change needs to start with something that resonates with you. It stems from your awareness of yourself and how you interact with others.


As small as can be!

Big changes are grand and distant.  Small changes are accessible and readily doable.  This tiny act should take a  minute or less, and it should be in or just above your comfort level.  The smaller the better.  You can always grow.  The smallest changes last the longest.


Keep at it!

Consistency is key!

Tag this change onto something you are already doing.  For example, couple “smiling at someone with eye contact when leaving  home in the morning” or “helping someone cross the street”.  Change grows and develops with awareness and motivation.